Is a Specsavers partnership on your horizon?
15 October 2021

Specsavers Audiology is marking its fourth anniversary in the industry this year with plenty to celebrate. As the business goes from strength to strength, we’ve now reached another milestone with the recent opening of our 200th store providing audiology services across Australia. With no plans to slow down, now is the time to put your career ambitions front of mind and get back to focusing on hearing awareness of your customers.
Together, we are continuing to make audiology more accessible and affordable to everyday Australians. To date, we have screened more than 1.5 million people, uncovered aidable hearing loss in over half a million of those customers, and contributed to improving the hearing of more than 65,000 Australians, all while maintaining exceptional clinical standards and customer care.
The key to our success is our passionate audiology partners, who align with our vision and our values – to provide the very best clinical care and service to all customers. We work with our partners to provide support, attend to customer’s needs and to grow their business.
As a Specsavers audiology partner, you can build a successful business and change people’s lives for the better – without having to compromise on a fair work-life balance or unrealistic sales targets or product KPIs.
Hear what some of our partners have to say:
Chris Denton, Audiology Partner, Specsavers Marion, SA –
“I would like to see Specsavers Marion continue to grow through the addition and expansion of audiology and the expansion of optometry. I relish the opportunity to be a market disrupter and want to see the business grow to not only help more and more of our own customers but to also put pressure on the rest of the industry to be more competitive and transparent so that all people who suffer from hearing loss get good care at good prices. This is exactly the opportunity I wanted, to focus on what I was trained for; helping people hear better rather than achieving sales targets.”
Lynn Tan, Audiology Partner, North Ryde and North Rocks, NSW –
“It has been liberating to run the clinics the way I want, without answering to external pressures. Becoming a partner was a turning point in my career. Specsavers has put me in contact with incredible audiology professionals Australia-wide, who have become close personal friends. It is, without exaggeration, the most complete and empowering professional support network I’ve had in my career. My time with Specsavers can be characterised by the triumphs, challenges and lifelong friendships I have experienced along the way. It has been fulfilling in ways I could not have predicted, and I am grateful that I took a leap of faith.”
For a confidential discussion, contact Shelley Fenech on 0457 627 521 or