2022 the year of flexible career opportunities

9 December 2021

Flexibility has become an essential ingredient in everyone’s work/life balance, even more so over the past two years. But what is flexibility? And how can you achieve it working for someone else?

At Specsavers, we believe in offering our partners true flexibility, which covers day-to-day operational responsibilities, clinical decision-making and business growth.

Freedom over your day

You get complete autonomy over your diary.

This means the flexibility to put your customer first, whether that’s extending appointments if needed, or opening outside of regular business hours (i.e. weekends, late nights) to give your customers the best possible experience.

It’s about empowering you to go above and beyond so that the customer always comes first.  You do what’s right for your customers and your business and we will support the decisions you make.

“Specsavers joint venture partnership allows you to manage and run your own business within a well-oiled machine where both clinician and customer support receives top priority. I am amazed at Specsavers high quality, great value range, and the options I can offer my customers every day” – Rockingham partner Frances Slabber.

Clinical autonomy

We only partner with experienced and passionate clinicians. We trust your clinical expertise and leave all the clinical decision-making to you.

We have a framework and a structure to support you – from clinical advisers, Audiology Relationship Managers to partner forums – you’re not alone.

“Clinical independence was one of the key reasons for joining Specsavers. We are our own boss and we decide on the appropriate care on the customer’s hearing needs. There’s autonomy in the partnership and it really is your business – but it’s nice to know I have the support of Specsavers if I need it”- Eastgardens partner June Yong Kim.

Business growth, not KPIs

We don’t believe in setting KPIs or sales targets. We’re focused on helping you grow your business.

We are passionate in our drive to provide genuine customer-centric care that means the decisions our partners make, together with their customers, are based purely on want and need without any KPI-driven sales pressure.

By clearly publishing our services, products, and prices, your customers can make fully informed decisions regarding their hearing care, guided by you, their audiology professional.

“Working in a private clinic, there was always pressure to meet KPIs. In my previous roles, my motivation was slipping as I felt more like a salesman than a clinician. But now, my future goal for the store is to be recognised as a hearing care provider within the local community. It allows me to focus on the clinical aspects when I see a customer” – partner Janice Margo, Ringwood store.

So, if you’re looking for true flexibility in your work – talk to us about partnership today.

Contact Shelley Fenech on 0457 627 521 or email anz.audiologyrecruitment@specsavers.com for a confidential, no-obligation discussion.